Social Indicators

High maternal mortality rates

Mothers are still dying during pregnancy, child birth and post child birth. This should never happen. Mothers must attend antenatal care, deliver in hospital or a supervised area and if any post delivery complications should quickly go to hospital. This is not happening and attempts must be made to correct it.

High infant mortality

And the babies and child that is born should also be coming into a welcoming world. No baby born should be distressed and born into hard ship. This short of days are gone. Each baby must get the early care, vaccinations and expert advice to make it through during their most important years in their lives. Currently babies are dying unnecessarily, they are not getting their vaccines and they are dying unnecessarily due to preventable diseases. This must be addressed.

High Illiteracy rates

Due to lack of schools, elementary, primary and high school, kids are not getting any education or otherwise sub standard education. Teachers are not performing as they should and policing is non existent. Subsidy monies are mismanaged and abusers are not punished. This needs work as education is the key.

Increased burden of disease due to poor water, hygiene.

Due to poor water supply, their is increased burden of water borne disease.  Diarhoea, vormiting and typhoid, cholera are related to poor hygiene, nutrition and water. The long term impact is malnutrition and generally poor health.


Increased law and order problems

When there is poor leadership, poor education, lack of church activity, there is increased tribal fighting and lawlessness. If it was not for tribal fights, Warakamb would be a great place to live, peaceful, green and friendly.

Lack of government services

This is because of the location. So remote and the border of three Provinces - Enga, SHP, and Hela Provinces. One things the other will provide this, and the other thinks same and nobody actually provides anything. Public servants like teachers misbehave as no policing is possible. This needs to change.

Environment and climate Change

As mentioned before, trees are dying due to global warming. Most of the virgin rainforest is gone and shrubs are taking over. Gum trees are growing well and needs work on it.